Wednesday, 18 May 2011


As my time in Australia grows ever shorter I am completely torn between the desire to go home, see all my family, friends etc and to stay here. Logically I know I need to go home in order to get some work experience, a job for when I return to UEA and to try and get my head around my final year at Uni. The only problem is that I hate having to listen to the voice of reason, particularly when it's something I don't want to do.
Last weekend one of my friends from UEA, who's studying at Wollongong Uni in Australia, came down for a visit. Just like me, she is pretty besotted with this country, it's attitudes, culture, lifestyle, everything. It's strange to meet someone you know, who's had a completely different experience of Australia to me, have exactly the same opinion with regards to both Australia and England. It's also quite upsetting, we both realise that the job market back home is hardly going to change during our last years of Uni and that when we finish we are most likely not going to have a job in anything more than retail. It's a very depressing thought to know that you've tried your hardest through Uni with the aim of trying to improve your education, skills and adaptability all with the intention of being able to make something of yourself, so to have that pretty much taken away, and to know about it, it leaves you wondering why you bother sometimes.
I've had a pretty up and down relationship with Uni over the last four years, loving it and hating it, but at no point have I ever really wanted to give up. I might have said it but not with any real conviction. It's the same for this year abroad. I'm not going to lie it's cost a fortune and I would certainly advise anyone thinking of doing it to really consider the costs involved. However, I do feel it's made me a stronger and a far more confident person. I have also made some of the most amazing friends that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to do so otherwise. So although I may not have a job at the end of it, I have loved most of my Uni life so far and would not change that for anything.

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