This is my first ever blog. It’s a bit nerve wracking to be honest! There's a few reasons behind starting one now and not earlier. To try and explain myself I suppose I should give you a little insight into me. My name is Kate Barber, I am a third year student at UEA studying American and English Lit, and am currently on my year abroad. This meant that last semester I was at UMass, America and in little under two weeks I will be heading to Melbourne, Australia to study at Melbourne University.
Although this is an amazing year abroad there is one factor in my Australian semester that is more than a little scary. As part of my required modules I have to take a creative writing course. Now, I don’t know about you, but I haven’t done any “creative” writing since I was 16, and that was only because it was compulsory for my GCSE’s. The concept then that I have to take a creative writing course at a third year level is pretty daunting to say the least! However, if I don’t the Australian government reject my visa and I get shipped back to sunny England, not something I really want to do.
This blog, therefore, is a little mixture of all the things I am passionate about in an attempt to maintain a regular writing pattern and hopefully stimulate all those dormant creativity cells in my brain! It will cover book reviews, novel musings, some creative writing (if it comes to pass) and a little diary of my wanderings around Australia. The places I go, people I see and anything that happens in the meantime.
Hope you like it, and I will try my hardest not to bore you to death!